Weekly Vocaloid Feature - テテテ・リメンバー

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The awesome-est PV you'll ever see. Or maybe not.

Title: テテテ・リメンバー, Tetete - Remember
Producer: クマ (Bear)
Genre: I'm not sure, but he says it's a tribute to Motown.
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: That PV is ridiculously awesome. All cut outs and paper PV! You might call it low budget, but it's probably more awesome-er than some of the PVs out there. Anyways the song is pretty cute, and (again) the PV is awesome. This is one of those songs where the PV is more of a show than the song is. If this did well in the Weekly Ranking, I'm guessing it's the PV that boosted it.

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