Weekly 東方 Doujin - 七日月咲夜

Thursday, July 08, 2010

T o...hot...ca t...t ink. No...w y...to...c ol.....do n...

Title: 七日月咲夜 , Nanokagetsu Sakuya, Quarter Moon Sakuya
Artist: Soutsuki Hisame
Genre: Action, Drama
Characters: Izayoi Sakuya, Remillia Scarlet, Scarlet Devil Mansion

Description from Danbooru:
The title is a play on Izayoi Sakuya's name and Japanese names for phases of the moon .
Nanokagetsu (七日月) is the 7th day of the lunar phase, i.e. the first quarter moon.
Izayoi (十六夜) refers to the 16th day -- the first day of the waning moon after the full moon.
This might also have something to do with Sakuya being a child in the comic.
See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_phase

Kenn's Comment: You can read it over @ Danbooru, or the Pixiv link under the OP image. It's by the same guy who did KoaCORE, and follows a similar story. It's how Sakuya, a human, ended up working at the Scarlet Devil Masnion. It's significantly darker than KoaCORE, and has quite a bit of blood in it too.

On another note, did everyone appreciate the Arakune styled speech before the jump?

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