A Day with Kenn 75

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Image by Shunjitsu

It's been a while since I posted, so I figured I'd get back into the swing of things while I'm peeled away from the PSP.

Been playing lots and lots of Persona 3 Portable as of late. Been at it ever since my cousin's left for Texas, so that makes it...3 days? Playing as the female protagonist. Haven't played Persona 3 on the Ps2, but I know the story for the male protagonist. It's great how there are changes to the story depending on which protagonist you play as. Lots of games are designed with gender choices, but the story and dialogue in the game doesn't change (your character might still be referred to as a 'he'), though that's not really a very important thing. What's nice is that rather than just a choice with very little impact, the Female protagonist has quite a few changes, aside from the pink menu. Anywho, I'll leave this for when I do a separate post on P3P.

I'd say this was a while back, but when I think about it, it really hasn't been all that long. My mom decided to stick spinach and beef and simmer it in chicken stock, and this is the result. Would've been great if she threw something else in too though. Was a bit bland.

A desert of unique Asian-ness! Bánh lọt and grass jelly. Grass jelly is delicious, but we don't eat it often. Not like this at least. You can usually find grass jelly in those grass jelly drinks (which are delicious). 

My breakfast from Sunday. I think this one was a chicken bao. There were cha siu bao too, but I think my brother finished them. In the latest Wong Fu Weekends, they went to a bao store up in Hollywood where they had all sorts of bao. Fancy a Pomegranate-Steak bao? 

Can anyone guess what that white thing is? Not talking about the rabbit in the back. It's the first time I've seen something like that! My mom was impressed by the advances in technology too, though vacuum packing isn't exactly anything new.

Image by Si Sya Mo

I think i might have a new found hate for ladders. Was at Fabricland for more inventory work. I was told it was supposed to be light stuff like counting zippers and buttons, but it seems that I drew the short of the stick. Or someone drew that stick for me. I ended up scrambling up and down ladders, running around on top of shelves (the same kind of shelving unit that I accidentally took apart the last day I was there), and carrying large, heavy boxes. Lifting heavy boxes when you're at the top of a ladder is one of the scariest things you can do when you're indoors and not hoping to do something weird. 

Introducing you to my favourite breakfast cereal: Honeycomb. It's healthy...ish. At least it's healthier than things like Sugarcrip or Lucky Charms...I think. Well I know that it's got a fairly low sugar content. It's tasty and my cousin and I used to snack on it all the time back in the 90's and early years of this decade. Oh, how I love saying that. Even now I'll just eat the cereal dry straight out of the box. 

Remember that white thing I asked earlier in the post? Well, here's the answer. It's a pillow! We picked them up because most of our pillows are ancient. They're a bit big, and hard to find pillow cases for. Though I'm sure it won't be a problem, since I probably counted one or two while I was at Fabricland yesterday.

Believe it or not, but this was my dinner from Sunday. Dan Tat, some chicken meat pie bun, and some other meat bun. The meat buns gave me a really bad stomach ache after though. It might be the reason behind why I felt so sick on Monday.

Image by You Satsuki

Image is my new wallpaper btw. Anywho, it'll more or less likely be a while before he posts, but I'd like to introduce the newest member of Ha Gao. Hopefully he'll be a tad bit more active than Natural's been, but again, we probably won't hear from him for a while. His name's Utumin and he'll be starting his blogging from Japan in a bit. Not sure what he'll do, but I'm hoping he's got some nice photos to share. Unlike Natural, Utumin's got no previous blogging experience, so please be nice to him. 

And on another note, I've been really, really lazy as of late. I planned to do a whole string of anime posts with Natural, but the female protagonist has taken up all of my time. I'll try to get to them soon. I'll try and ask Natural to have his share of posts ready too. We'll hopefully review the Spring series, as well as the new Summer series. I'm not going to do episode by episode reviews though. They're too much work.

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  1. I know of two other videogame series that make big differences for gameplay depending on your gender O: elder scrolls and fallout. From different stats than males to different questlines and options, they really make playing a woman a different experience.

    (Never kiss Set :( )
