A Day with Kenn 77

Monday, July 19, 2010

Image heavy, as always. This time more so though.

Breakfast from a day or two ago. Lightly toasted rye bread with margerine and a bit of my secret spice blend (courtesy of Nong Shim). The 'spice' blend didn't work too well here.

The salad we had for dinner the other day. I tore chicken dumped in the olives and mixed the salad! My brother did most of the work. Cucumbers, tomatoes, chicken, button mushrooms and a variety of olives. It was really tasty. Ate this while watching a program on History about the Knights Templar.

These are tasty. They're not ball bearings. They're cola balls! Chewing on them might result in injuries similar to what you might get if you tried it with ball bearings though. They're hard is rocks, so you just let them sit in your mouth and dissolve. As their name suggests, they taste like cola. They're actually white underneath that shiny metallic coating. We picked these up at Lonsdale Quay back when we were up there.

Stayed up until around 2 playing Taboo with the jamboree. We played over the internet, which isn't all that hard to do. Krisy had to leave, so we ended up playing a modified version. One person would get the word and the words they couldn't say, and then said person would try to get the other two players to guess the word. :'D It was really fun.

 I'll put up the hints that the jamboree gave for words and see if you can get them!

Colleen:    there's a saying that goes, 'wait a _______' or 'give me a ________'

「»ß.§.£: your fa:    You press this tube thing and round stuff comes out that you can eat

*unicef Norm:    OKAY so the band the beach boys always posed in pictures with this

「»ß.§.£: your fa: IT'S A FLYING CREATURE THAT IS VERY ANNOYING AND POOPS EVERYWHERE. Often dives at tourists for food. Lives around water.

*unicef Norm:    how do you wake up lady gaga

「»ß.§.£: your fa:    salutations from the wild west

*unicef Norm:    jack nicholson played this character in the past and warned the person who played it next that the role fucks with their head!

「»ß.§.£: your fa:    what is 1024 x 768?
Sorry Colleen. I didn't include many of your hints. Bawb's and Batman's were just a tad bit funnier.

I went rummaging through a storage shed outside today. I found all sorts of awesome stuff from the past. As my cousin said, 'it's like Raiders of the Lost Arc'. Found this little treasure while hunting for my Megazord. My cousin was looking for it so i figured I'd pull it out. For those who don't recognize it, it's the Morpher from the first Power Rangers series to hit America.


Also found this. Thought he was a zord at first, but read that this guy's name Ninjor, from the third season of MMPR (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers). He's the creator of the Power Coins, the coin the rangers use to change into the Power Rangers.

And this is his battle mode. He goes from ninja to samurai. He usually has a katana, but I really don't have a clue as to where it went.

Anyone recognize this? If you said that it was the Megazord in the first Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers movie, then you are correct! It's a bit dirty and beat up after being out for at least 3-5 years. The mecha design isn't all that great either. I blame the fact that this was one of the very few mechas that was designed by the American production team. From the TV series, the mecha was always taken from the corresponding TV series. The first Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers corresponded to Kyoryo Sentai Zyuranger.

I think the Thunderzords were the coolest zord set. Especially the White Tiger and Red Dragon.

More shots of the Shogunzord.

Also found this awesome candy dispenser. It's essentially a Pokemon PEZ dispenser. What's awesome is that Blastoise can actually pick up the candy for you! Way better than those lazy PEZ heads. Blastoise is also 200% cuter than most of them, and the whole unit is much much more durable than those cheap plastic collectibles.

After pulling all those treasures out, my hands and arms were caked in several shades of dirt, dust, bug remains, cobwebs and probable rat crap.

My 'lunch'. I ate it at 4 pm, yes, but it was still my lunch. Shot taken with our newish Canon EOS 5D Mark II. I deserve 5 stars for this, right?

It's chicken soup with some noodles I found in the fridge. On the side there's lightly toasted rye bread with margerine, and flatbread crackers sticking out of the soup. Was so tasty, but so very short lived.

And now just a bunch of shots taken with the DSLR.

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  1. o: LOLOLOL @ hints + answers. Man, they are really funny xD

    Nice shots and such a cute dog!

    Oooh. Did I tell you that I'm the yellow ranger :D
