A Day with Kenn 78

Friday, July 23, 2010

Image by Shiba

It's hot. And so is Reimu...in more ways than one.

Dinner from a while back. I'm not sure when it was and I'm a bit too lazy to check when the photo was taken. Anywho it's rice with ground pork and jicama (sắn nước). Added hot sauce and soy sauce to it. It's something I eat a lot.

An afternoon snack from a few days ago. It's 糖水 (tong sui / sugar water) or chè. It's really refreshing when it's cold. The beans and other stuff sometimes get stuck in my throat so I washed it all down with a cold pear cider. Or half of it. It took me about a week to finish this one bottle. The flavour took me a while to gt used to. 

Went digging around in the garage and pulled this bad boy out of there. It's the Power Rangers (season 1) Power Blaster set! Comes with all five of the rangers' weapons. It's originally my cousin's and still is...I guess. It's worth quite a bit now online; I've seen it going for up to $180 on eBay. Though, this set is only the weapons, so I'm not sure how much this old, slightly beat up set would be.

They all combine into this one big gun (and a few other combinations). The bottom of the Power Lances are supposed to come off, but I couldn't figure out how to take it off. There's a broken peg on the Power bow, so I had to tape one of the Power daggers to get it to stay.

Side shot. Just a reminder that you can click the images to enlarge them. All the Power Blaster and weapon photos were taken with the DSLR so they're really big.

The 5 weapons (Power Axe has two forms). I remember these being bigger, though I guess that was because I was a small kid when I last saw these things. The Power Axe and Power Lances are the only two with moving parts. Power Axe converts to the Power Gun, and the Lances extend.

My cousin also had the Power Blade Blaster, pictured top right of the box. Hard to see, but it was cool. Not sure it went, but it was a gun and the butt would fold down and the blade would fold up. We also once had the Green Ranger's Dragon Dagger. Not sure where that one went either. I don't remember it functioning as a normal flute either.

The whole shebang that I found. Power Blaster, (movie) Megazord and the Morpher. Would've been cool if I had found more, but I'm not looked forward to getting covered in another of several shades of crap.

I am Sam. Sam I am. Would you like green eggs and ham?
 I couldn't get the ham to be green (for obvious reasons), though the eggs came out quite nicely. All natural ingredients were used. The green comes from pandan leaf paste. It's got a bitter taste, but you don't taste it in the omlette. Had this for breakfast earlier this week. I have to say I was pretty happy about it.

Dinner from a few days ago. Rice, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and some chicken marinated in something. Healthy for sure, and really tasty. Om nom nom.

Breakfast this morning. My mom left it for us. It's supposedly a 'breakfast tortilla', though I'd call it an over-glorified omlette with large chunks of stuff, or a hash gone wrong. Anywho, it was pretty tasty. Was a bit on the dry side, and the large chunks of sausage (chorizo) were a bit tough.

More pictures wit the DSLR. Followed our dog around outside from the doggie door to a spot in the backyard where he look really funny running around in. Then he took a crap and I turned the camera off and let him do his thing.

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  1. LOL @ last comment. Good for you for giving the dog privacy. I wouldn't have done it if it were my own dog :p

    I see my weapons! As the yellow ranger, I demand them back. If you fail to comply, then I will just have to morph into the sabretooth tiger! D:<

  2. Wow, that power rangers weapon set looks amazing *w*
