Weekly Vocaloid Feature - 夏と廊下と花畑

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'll be busy today, tomorrow and this coming Tuesday, so I don't think I'll be able to do any anime review posts for the time being. I'm also planning to spend the month getting back into the swing of school so I'll probably be a little less blog-active than I already am.

Title: 夏と廊下と花畑, Summer and Corridors and Flower Gardens (google trans. because I can't read kanji)
Producer: Machigerita-P
Vocaloid: 初音ミクAPPEND

Kenn's Comment: Another work by Machigerita-P. Avid followers of my blog will know that I put up another one of his works a little over a month ago. Anyways, this one sounds like Candy Addict Full Course, with the slightly creepy sound that Machigerita-P is so famous for. I had a few other songs I could've put up, but I liked Machigerita's stuff, so I went with this, if you're wondering how I choose what to put up, now you know. It's really not very complex...or organized.

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