Team Member GET!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Image by moja

Hey guys and gals, and gals and guys and everyone else. Kenn here. I've recruited a new slave a friend to join me on this lonely blog. He's Natural Force, and his old blog is over here. Hasn't been updated in almost a year, and he's pretty much been inactive since. But good ol' Kenn chased him out of his cave and now he's on the blog. I'll probably go through and edit his posts until he gets the swing of things. So you'll probably see twice as much Kenn and hopefully my editing doesn't change the author. He's got stuff to say and

I don't know anything I really want to say, but I'll just say this, I'm going to be blogging in much more detail in terms of review/previews than Kenn with loads of Screenshots, and I'll be blogging about jPop as well...I hope to start soon, so hold your breath for crappy blogging skills!

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