Spring Anime Reviews Part 2

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Image from Danbooru

Part 2 of a continuing series. Part 1 here.

Ichiban Ushiro no Dai Maou

Well, the 'censored' version and the 'uncensored' version really weren't all that much different. Either way, I fear that they'll throw too much fanservice in an ruin it, much like what happened with Rosario+Vampire. Regardless, the first episode didn't really make much of an impression on me. Maybe that was because I had just finished watching Shoka  (which was great) when I watched it. They pretty much introduced all the main characters in the first episode, mainly towards the end of the episode, so the next one will probably focus on those two. Read a bit of the manga adaptation. I've got a few certain events I'm looking forward to. 

Arakawa Under the Bridge

This episode just screamed Shinbo Akiyuki. His style, as seen in the three seasons of さよなら絶望先生 (Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei), with rapid fire jokes and gags. SHAFT works really takes a certain...mindset, for the lack of a better word, to appreciate. Anyways, great first episode. Kamiya Hiroshi (once again) plays the main character, since Shinbo loves him. Zetsubou Sensei, Bakemonogatari, Moonphase; all three of these series directed by Shinbo, and all three of them had him as the lead character. 

Not everyone will like. To put in a nutshell, it's insane. It's honestly insane, and that's why I like it!

薄桜鬼 (はくおうき)

The opening and ending themes are quite nice, and so is Chizuru. But she's not the main focus of the show. The 12(?) can't remember how many there were guys were the main focus. Not bad for a first episode, but since it's for the ladies, I can see why they didn't strip Chizuru to check whether she was a girl or not xD. Darn.

Sorry, I had to scale the videos down so that they'd fit on my blog. ^^; The 785x1280 was simply too big. So it'll look kind of funny. Click on the video to get sent to YT where you can view it in it's full HD glory.

「十六夜涙」 (Yumiyo)

「君ノ記憶」 (mao)


If you don't recognize this title by now, you've probably been living in a world without anime. Anyways, K-ON makes it's triumphant return in GLORIOUS HIGH DEFINITION. No mater crappy 4:3 aspect ratio that the first season aired on. Now that they know that's it's insanely (and probably overly) popular, they're gonna milk it for all it's worth. I kind of liked Don't Say Lazy! more than Listen!, but you can be the judge of the opening and ending for this.

It wasn't much different from the first season. I can also see this being the last one, since they're graduating this year, much like the situation with Hidamari Sketch (although the graduating only involves Sai and Hiro), and Lucky Star. Andrew's favourite moeblob (and waifu) Yui seems to have picked up a new catch phrase, being ぶひ、ぶひ!(buhi buhi! oink oink!), Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound a pig makes. I can see it getting on my nerves quickly. ^^;

Anyways, here are the opening and ending themes, in glorious high definition.

「GO!GO!MANIAC」 (放課後ティータイム)

「Listen!!」 (放課後テイータイム)

Still more to come once the next wave of series comes my way.

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