Spring Anime Updates

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Image by kaiwarina

Episode Three review, plus an extra or two.


Well, for a brief moment there, Akuto could've made any straight guy go gaga over him. I mean, what's not to love about a devil king who breaks legs and arms without remorse or emotion, while believing that he's in the right? That one scene was quite a bit different from the previous two, which didn't feature much, if any, blood, opting for the destruction of clothing. If we could see more of the demon Akuto, I'd be a happy person.


Less gags than the previous two episodes, though this one wasn't bad either. Hoshi (Star) is a great character, and is made greater by being one of Sugita Tomokazu's best roles as of late. You really can't say no to the sister either. If the sister says black is white, then black is white, no questions asked. Riku (Recruit) knows this. Nino was absolutely gorgeous in the dress. Hoshi's now that much further back since they're getting married. 


Well, Kosuda's certainly manned up towards the end of the episode, getting rid of his cherry title, and Yamada's at the same time. Yamada's approach in the dark room was pretty entertaining, with her 「しゃああああああ」 (shaaaaa) and all. Didn't quite turn out how she wanted, but she still got somewhere. Also, a rival appears! She's a beauty sporting of a pair of C cups, though I think Yamada looks better.


MAID SENTAI WHITE! =3= Misa-chan is so cute. She'll get cuter once they get further into the story and her shell breaks a tad bit more. The idiot trio (three stooges? lol) always makes the show that much awesome-er.

Angel Beats!

Well, despite the great trailers, I can't say that I enjoy this series too much. It's on my low priority list, where it sits with Senkou no Night Raid and Rainbow, which I haven't even watched yet. Watching the first two episodes, especially the second, reminded me of a town in Casshern Sins where the inhabitants couldn't die, so they would treat death as an amusement, breaking themselves over and over again for kicks. At least the third episode makes a change on that, showing the only true way to die in that world.

A Todoroki (Chief) based episode. This series has become one of my favourites (not that I'm surprised), and the opening is wonderful. The Inami scene with Otoo was funny, even though I've read the chapter, I still got a laugh out of that. A tad bit disappointed that they didn't animate Poplar's part in that scenario. Noticing a few changes to the material here and there, though it's nothing entirely maojr.

Well, I have to say, this episode was done pretty well. Don't think I saw a patternless soccer ball, and the first real game starts next episode, so I'm looking forward to how DEEN handles that.The art is faithful to the manga, and this episode didn't seem to be missing any important parts.


A rather bloody third episode, ending with a fluffy scene of two good looking guys running into a festival crowd with a cute girl holding a hand of each of theirs. It's better than I thought it'd be, enjoying this series more than I am with Angel Beats! to be honest. Hoping for at least a bit of fanservice from Chizuru, but I guess I'm looking in the wrong series.


Fairy Tail ep. 25

The morning after? Make what you want out of the selected screen caps, whether your mind's in the gutter or not. Mine was when I decided to use these five. Anywho, a raging Natsu in episode 26 was awesome. Big fight with Gajeel next episode. Shame there wasn't the Loke and Gajeel fight though. On the other hand, with Loke's little inflction thing there, and Gajeel noticing something about him, I can see Loke's arc coming up soon.

刀語 4

Well, twas rather surprising to learn that Nanami is the strongest in Japan. The insect trio team gave the ninjas a bit more human characteristics, though they all died like bugs. The little scene with an oblivious Shichika and a nude Togame was entertaining. It's a bit of a shame that Togame's side of the story wasn't animated.

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