Song of the Week - ソラニン

Friday, April 30, 2010

Started playing Lost Planet 1 again. It hurts. Easy mode is very easy. Normal mode is not very normal. e_e"

Title: ソラニン, Solanin
Artist: Asian Kung fu Generation (アジアン・カンフー・ジェネレーション)
Genre: Rock
Single: ソラニン
Album: Magic Disk
Vintage: 31/03/10

Kenn's Comment: The lyrics to the song are drawn directly from the manga, (the mangaka had the lyrics in the manga) and that makes the song that much more awesome. AKFG has been around for 14 years now, and they're still awesome. For those who haven't guessed, Solanin is the main theme to the movie, Solanin. I really want to watch it, but the language barrier screws me over once again.

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