Summer Anime Previews - Licensing

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Image by Viva!!

Now that the cour has started, licenses have started rolling and a bit of information that some may appreciate.




VIZ (via Hulu)
Bandai (via Hulu)

Sentai Filmworks
That's the list of licensed series. NicoNico's continuing with their anime-streaming channel, though now streaming considerably more series than perviously. I believe all you need is the NicoNico membership to watch these streams, and with the English version of it coming up, it'll be open to more people worldwide. Unlike the rest of the licenses, NicoNico streams are NOT subbed (to my knowledge), though this should go without saying, as it's the only Japanese company in the list, excluding Bandai. Well , looks like they are subbed. The ones that are streamed on English version anywho.

Also, 森田さんは無口 TV (Morita-san wa Mukichi TV) is apparently comprised of twelve 3 minute episodes, which means you could pretty much watch the entire series in the time it takes to roughly watch 2 regular length episodes. 

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