Spring Anime Music

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Image from Pixiv

=3= Was throwing cards after watching this video. Left a few nicks in my walls. e_e"

Anywho, the season's started, and we're two episodes into most of the earlier airing series.

Arakawa Under the Bridge's OP is by far my favourite. Both artistically and aurally pleasing.

荒川アンダー ザ ブリッジ OP 「ヴィーナスとジーザス」 (Venus to Jesus)

Hoping for romantic development in this awesomely insane show!

荒川アンダー ザ ブリッジ ED 「逆様ブリッジ」

The ending isn't quite as impressive as the opening, but impressive nonetheless. 

B型H系 OP 「おしえて A to Z」

The opening is great. It's so cute! >o< I like the ending of this series more than the opening though.

B型H系 ED 「裸足のプリンセス」 

It's got an 80's / 90's j-pop sound to it. And that's probably why I like it so much. If you recall, two of my favourite songs were Touch! and 突撃ラブハート (Totsugeki Love Heart), both songs from the 80's 90's. 

いちばんうしろの大魔王 OP 「REALOVE:REALIFE」

The opening makes the series look much more badass than it will be, or at least the first few episode. 

いちばんうしろの大魔王 ED 「Everyday Sunshine line」
The ending is cute though, and is sung by Natsuko Aso, who did the OP for Yokuwakaru Gendai Mahou, and Baka Test. She's been getting a whole lot of interest, especially by having two songs used for the OP/ED two seasons in a row. 

I'll edit this later. No time to do it now ToT.

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