Weekly Webcomic Feature - ニアンデシカス

Thursday, April 22, 2010

;D I'd yiff with Misaka if you know what I mean.

Title: ニアンデシカス, Nyandex
Genre: 4 koma, Comedy
Series: とある魔術の禁書目録(インデックス), To Aru Majutsu no Index / とある科学の超電磁砲, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 

Read it @ Pixiv, or Danbooru

Description (by Kenn): A 4koma that follows the days of Nyandex, who lives with Mikoto. Other characters from Index join in on the fun.

Kenn's Comment: Index is in it, so I put the series as Index first, though most of the characters minus Index herself are in both series. All the characters have animal ears and tails minus Index who is pretty much just a cat (hence 'nyan'dex). Misaka is a fox (fitting, she's oh-so-smexy), Kuroko is a rabbit (her character is quite a bit different from what she usually is), Misaka Imouto is a rooster (she has the crest). Aisa is...well I'm not actually sure. She has antlers, so I'll call her a stag of sorts. Anywho, it follows the days of Nyandex and her hi-jinxes with the other characters.

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