Weekly Vocaloid Feature - 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。

Saturday, October 16, 2010

An interesting song based on a true story!

Title: 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています (女)
。, I came home to find the wife pretending to be dead (Woman).
Producer: ほぼ日Pです
Genre: Pop, Rock
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: Based on this. Assuming Natural knows what he's talking about, it's from a guy who posted on Yahoo Knowledge (Japan's Yahoo Questions), asking about what to do with his wife, who plays dead in various 'accidents' when he comes home. Everyone thought this was awesome, and eventually this was created.

It's got a catchy tune, and depending on with PV you watch, it has an entertaining PV.

Here's a cover by the ever-awesome Halyosy. Subs are in Chinese, because it's the one that Natural sent me. This one is in the perspective of the husband. Miku's was in the perspective of the wife.

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