Song of the Week - Danza Danza Fancuilla Gentile

Friday, October 29, 2010

Image from the Music Room

Well, I couldn't think of anything Hallowe'en themed that I really liked, so I figured I'd put up the song I'm learning for my accompanist. 

Title: Danza Danza Fancuilla Gentile, Dance Dance Gentle Maiden
Composer: Francesco Durante
Performed by: Christopher J. Beard
Single: N/A
Album: N/A
Vintage: Somewhere between 1684 and 1755

Kenn's Comment: I'll be the guy in the back playing the piano accompaniment...just not bald. Anywho, it's a short Italian piece by Durante and also goes by the name 'Solfeggio' when it's sung without words. It's real nice, and quite catchy. I find myself singing it every now and then too. Enjoy!

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