毎週のVOCALOID - Masked bitcH

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Don't mind the title - the song more than makes up for it.

Title: Masked bitcH
Lyrics: Q*Left
Music: ギガP
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: GUMI

Kenn's Comment: If this doesn't remind you of K-Pop, I don't know what will. It sounds kind of like something an idol group would do! GUMI sounds really good in this. Like really good. The effects on her voice as well as all the background masks any imperfections. Unsurprisingly, heavy breathing using a vocaloid still sounds a bit funny.

Anywho, I chanced upon this song through two very, very awesome covers of the song.

The first, 96猫. Her cover  is quite similar to GUMI's version. A little bit lower in voice, but all in all, a very sturdy performance. The song itself suits Kuro's voice.

And here's the other one by おつも. Holy mother of God. He's great. Like awesome. He makes the song sound like it was an idol group song. If he had maybe one or two other guys with him (if they all sounded like おつも, we might have a dangerous song), then I think we'd actually have an idol group.

Anywho, enjoy the song and the two covers! I'll see you all back here for tomorrow's manga of the week.

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