A Week with Kenn 87

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Image by Toi

Worry not readers, I'm still live and kicking, and not drugged up. 

 First of all, sorry mates. Couldn't find the time to put this up, and I let it sit longer and longer. The bigger it got, the less compelled I was to start it. <__<" It's up now, so I'll see you guys around this time next month or something.

Can't believe I didn't put these up yet. Waay back on Thanksgiving, we had quite the feast. Top three images are the feast foods, bottom left is Domo's soda overdose, bottom middle is what I had several plates of, and bottom right is sparkling Lingonberry juice.

:3 Rocky and Domo. <3

The obligatory left-overs sandwich. Complete with spicy sausage, turkey, and salad. Condiments include mustard, ketchup, margarine and mayonnaise.

More left-overs that wouldn't work in a sandwich. Mac 'n cheese. Really heavy stuff. You shouldn't eat stuff like this for breakfast.

And now heading in a new direction, this shot was taken at the top of the observation tower at Lonsdale Quay. The boat you see there is the Seabus, a passenger ferry that makes rounds across the Burrard inlet every 15 minutes or so. 

For those who don't keep up with the photo blog, here's my newest Figma addition: Black Rock Shooter. She's gorgeous, as you can see. Her gun is very, very big too. Taller than the rest of the Figmas to be exact.

Snack time! To the left is dried squid and beef jerky. Middle is a red bean filled mochi. On the right is a peanut brittle, which really lives up to it's name.

An owl statue at the Seabus terminal. It's probably there to keep water fowl and other birds from hanging around the terminal. Keeps the birds and people safe. You see these around people's houses sometimes. Usually there for the same reason. Sometimes people just like owls though. Have you seen any of these kind of things in your neck of the woods?

Yum. I kid. This wasn't all that great. Unappetizingly dry, and the filling wasn't very good. I'm not sure how my sister can eat these.

Dinner for Kenn. Forget when this was, but it must be from recent times. Rice with spinach and meatloaf. An egg tart for desert. Yum :'D.

Mom bought these from girls selling them at the mall. My dad ate most of them. They're absurdly sweet. Chocolate outside with thin biscuits filled with a minty cream filling. Not as minty as I had hope them to be though. 

Another dinner from recently. Same thing as the other one, but this one has eggs and tomatoes. More filling, and a wee bit more nutritious. 

Haven't seen these in forever! They're more or less apple 'flavoured' Fruit Loops, but they're tasty nonetheless. 

 I see this scene every Monday and Wednesday. Morning classes are as fun as getting your spleen ripped out by a steel fisted orangutan. Sunrises so late, and sets so early...rain doesn't help either.

Rain. We've been getting quite a bit. There's another storm system coming our way too. I may not have an umbrella or a rain jacket, but the rain won't stop me from getting to classes. I'm not out in the rain much anyways. Maybe for a max of 5 minutes or so.

You can find a lot of cool stuff after the rain. Like this. Found water droplets on a leaf. Pretty cool!

Can you spot the squirrel? I had a starring contest with this guy. We starred at each other for a good minute or two until someone came and scared the little guy away. Looks like he was munching on greens.

I see a lot of this scene. All my classes are in the Fir building, so I find myself sitting in front of this patch of trees quite often. I hear in some of these forested patches, animals are living in them. Animals aside from the usual squirrels and birds. Maybe a deer or two? Wouldn't mind a bear either.

The left and middle pictures were taken at Metrotown, a large, large mall in Burnaby. These guys from Sandemon's were carving up pumpkins for weeks leading up to Halloween. They're nothing short of impressive. On the right are toasted pumpkin seeds extracted from the pumpkin my sister got from school. My mom shelled them for ease of consumption, though I found that I could eat them with the shells on.

People have scribbled on the walls in the practice rooms, but none as much as this one. It's pretty entertaining to read all the scribling too. Give the photo a click to blow it up.

October was a month of a lot of new stuff for me. Lots of clothes. Pictured above:
  • 1x New shoes 
  • x4 Pairs of jeans
  • x1 Jacket
  • x1 Transformers Tshirt
  • x1 Cardigan

Also picked up these. On the left are modeler's side-cutters. They're used to clip the pieces off runners in Plastic Models. They work wonderfully. Middle and right images are of the new plastic model I got. Hoi Hoi-san, Nightmare version. Just in time for Halloween, yeah? She's adorable, about as tall as Domo is, and the decal sheet is a pain to work with. Everything else is great though.

Also got this book. Most people may recognize it's title as 腐女子彼女 (Fujoshi Kanojo). It's adorable and so sweet. Y-ko's antics kind of make me want an otaku girlfriend too, though I get the feeling I may regret that statement. Let's just quote Andrew, and say "as long as she's moe!".

Waiting for the second volume to be released by Yen Press in December. Also still waiting on my shipment of Yotsuba&! manga. Hm.

Also got a new keyboard. M-Audio Keyrig 49, a 49 note MIDI USB controller. Much simpler to use than my cousin's Roland and came with some nifty software so that I can use it as a synth. Great buy too, only about $110.

Throat has been killing me for the past few days, and I've been abusing drug-free home remecies as if they were drugs. Saline gargles, teaspoon of honey, lime and honey with warm water. Been drinking lots of water too. Not feeling any better yet, but I hope I recover soon. It's super uncomfortable.


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    cutie Hoi Hoi-san!! x)

    LOVIIIIING your new shoes :)
