A Week with Kenn 86

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Image by Zengxianxi

Sorry. It's probably more accurate to call this a Month with Kenn or something like that.

From a long time ago. Found this funny looking bug sitting on my desk. I think I might have put my arm down on it before I realized it was there. Beetles are pretty tank though, so I didn't squash it. 

It's fuzzy.

My dad bought these funny noodles. Crystal...something. Can't remember the name, but they're clear and tasty pretty good. My mom threw them in the frying pan along with a stir fry and this is the result. They taste much better in soup though.

Lunch from the dubs. Picked it up when I went to try and look for manga at Sakura Media in Metro. Wasn't successful so I decided to drown my sorrows in fat.

Back when the Lunar festival was still going, my dad picked this one up from some bakery. It was good and the wrapper is kinda pretty. He said it was hella expensive though.

Dinner...from god knows when. I can't even remember what cut of meat that is. Pork ribs I suppose, along with black olives, tomatoes and rice. 

A practice room up in Capilano. I find myself holed up in one of these rooms a lot when I'm up there. These particular rooms are the gloomiest of the gloomy rooms. They're window-less rooms with cold, concrete walls. It's like sitting in a jail cell. This room is the only one with a grand in it though, so it's coveted by almost every piano major.

Find myself picking up Subway a lot these days. There's one at Waterfront station, so I often grab a sandwich on my way home.

We recently got our front yard redone. Got rid of the grass and repositioned the trees and this is the result. It's really nice, and takes a heck of a lot less effort to maintain. Plus if you ever need to throw someone and you're in the front yard, you can rest assured that they'll be hurt no matter where you throw them.

My daily view from the Seabus. I cross the Burrard Inlet 2-3 times a day, and the view hasn't gotten old yet. Well, it kind of has, but it's still pretty nice. The mornings are gorgeous, when the boat's in the middle of the water just as the sun rises. 

I finally did it. An omurice that didn't break apart. Used a new pan we recently got. Turned out pretty good. Punched a hole in it so that I could prove that it's an omurice. Made too much fried rice, so I stuck it on the side.

Been seeing a lot of these recently. These wood lice are coming from a potted plant that my uncle brought in for the winter...last year. There's funny stuff on this one because it was walking through the dustier parts of the house. 

On the topic of creepy crawliers, I've been finding lots of spiders like these two in this specific corner of the washroom. Makes me really think that there's a nest or something like that back there. Spiders with long spindly legs are usually killed by my parents. They're not as complying as the thicker legged small spiders that I typically let out of the house.

We've had some pretty nice weather recently. Trees were pretty happy about it to. 

Was at school for far too long last week. From about 11 am until 8 pm. I usually don't stay that long, but I had a bunch of things to do. Had a piano class at 7, so I stuck around until then. It'd take too long to get home and come back, so I trucked it out in a practice room.

Was on the bus with Richard, who got hungry, succumbed to temptation, and bought a can of pringles that he dropped in the store. 5 minutes until the seabus left. He suddenly started feeling very thirsty. Booked it back to the store, got him a drink and then booked it back. At Waterfront, the Pringles started tasting really bad to him and he couldn't finish it. He ended up throwing out what was left of the can.

Those with keen eyes may have noticed this little addition to the Comrades section. Not exactly a comrade, since it's my own blog, but I wasn't sure where else to stick it. The tab at the top of the page 'Photography' also links to the same place. It's my photoblog, updated daily, and I'll be taking a photo everyday for a year...hopefully. I've been keeping at it so far, so I think I'll be able to pull it off.

If the image link doesn't work, you can click here to be forwarded to the photoblog. If you would like to have a photo of yours featured in the photoblog, drop me a message, along with the photo and your blog's URL. Be aware that you'll have to fight off a rabid TK and Weej for space there.

Recently the photoblog has had a few pictures with Domo in it. You might remember that I got this little guy a while back, but after that I really haven't done much with him. His spotlight has arrived now!

Unlike figma, he doesn't have any loose parts and doesn't have any accessories that can fall off, so he's the one that I take out of the house. I'm paranoid that something will fall off of the figma without me knowing. Domo gets dirty really easily because he's fuzzy, but he's also fairly easy to clean. A quick wipe with a damp cloth usually does the trick.

Picked these two up recently. 'Earth' is a satyrical and comical poke at human history and today's society in the guise of a textbook for future alien tourists. It's by Jon Stewart and the people behind the Daily Show, so you know it's not only going to funny, but it's going to be more informative than some of those trashy history textbooks you might find here and there. 

The other one is an old, old book. I originally bought one many, many years ago, but it was stolen from my desk one day, which greatly upset me. I'm trying to get all my manga series completed right now, so having incomplete series is a no-no. That aside, this has long been out of print, and when I spotted this in the clearance rack at Sakura Media, I bought it without a second thought. It only costed me $6.

WE ARE X!! A near once in a life time experience with one of the most famous rock bands in Japan. I was there to experience X Japan's first North American tour. It's a day I won't be forgetting about anytime soon. I'm sure that's the same with Natural who was there too. You can read about my experience over here.

Those close followers may remember that I also recently got this, Pandora Hearts -odds and ends-, a Pandora Hearts artbook recently. You can click here to see my post on it a few days ago. 

Picked up some lunch at the Quay (Lonsdale Quay) on my way home while taking today's photo for the photoblog. Pictured is a souvlaki pita with beef and a delicious, cola.  The Curiosity Cola is how cola should be: flavoured with herbs, and natural flavours, not a cocktail caustic enough to strip rust off of screws and clean your toilets. 

Unlike most colas you might find on the mainstream market, like Coke and Pepsi, this one isn't all that sweet. You might call it cola for adults. I suppose it tastes a bit like what you might get if Coke and Dr. Pepper had a love child, with a jealous Pepsi looking on from a window across the street. Of course, 7-Up and Sprite were still duking it out on who was better, while other drinks tried to make an appearance.

It's also curiously invigorating. Fentiman's website here.

xD That's it for this. See you in another month or so.

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