Weekly Vocaloid Feature - ひとり占め!summer☆girl

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Need I say more?

Title: ひとり占め!summer☆girl, Hitorijime! summer☆girl, Monopolize! summer☆girl
Producer: PantanC
Lyrics: Maekawa
PV: PantanD
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: カイト,  鏡音レン, 神威がくぽ, 氷山キヨテル

Kenn's Comment: This one's for the girls (and minority of guys). The male Vocaloids need some love too. It's a very otome-game styled PV, with an equally visual novel sound. It looks pretty darn good (in more ways than one) in 1080p too. Methinks that Kiyoteru might get a little bit warm being on the beach dressed like that. Gakupo has the right idea though. English subs by Moetron here.

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