Fall '10 Anime Previews - そらのおとしものf(フォルテ)

Friday, September 03, 2010

Image by Minazuki Suu

Can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait.

Title: そらのおとしものf(フォルテ), Sora no Otoshimono f (Forte), Lost Continent of the Sky
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romanc, Sci-Fi
Animation Studio: AIC A.S.T.A
Airs: 10/01 25:00

Summary from ANN (s1 summary):
Tomoki Sakurai often encounters a strange girl in his dreams asking for his help, but he can't remember her face when he wakes up. When an Unidentified Mysterious Animal (U.M.A.) falls out of the sky, his life of pacifism suddenly becomes complicated. The animal turns out to be an angel, Ikaros.
Kenn's Comment: Leaves off wherever season 1 / the OVA ended. Seems that Astraea, the lovable ditsy blond in the back of the title image, makes her first appearance in episode 2. The PV was distinctively lacking in her, though I guess it's all to rile up interest and expectations to see her (for those who follow the ongoing manga). Like the first season, the series will probably start off a bit with the serious story, then get festooned with events and fun stuff (like it does in the manga) and then slaps you across the face with a wet fish (back to serious), and then back to fun stuff. Which is not a bad thing at all. Not at all.


Image from Danbooru

Astraea! Astraea! Astraea! You can guess what other chapters (aside from those shown in PV) are probably going to be animated based on what's drawn here. That aside, Astraea! Astraea!

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