A Week with Kenn 84

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Image by socha

So....tired. Anywho, first one in a whiiiiile. I'll try to periodically post these, but I won't guarantee anything.

Hit the jump and read til the end! I stuck a poll at the end, so vote in it!

A while back we spotted this critter 'on the fence'. It dropped the fruit it was carrying and went to grab it. Squirrels are real ninjas. They somehow scale walls and jump from said wall to the fence with a perfect landing. The one problem they have is that they dart across the street at bad times and can't ninja dodge cars.

This, my friends, is a Jackfruit. Looks kind of like a durian, but it's innards are quite different. It's seeds are a bit smaller, and it's flesh is firm and stringy, unlike a durian which has mushy innards (kind of like a living organism). Anywho, this bad (in more ways that one) boy's from Mexico, and I have to say, it was not very good. Not at all. It wasn't sweet (which they usually are), and large parts of it weren't suitable for consumption. And this stupid thing costed about $35. 

Cereal of the week. Kellog's Raisin Bran. Can't say I like the bran flakes all too much, but everyone knows you buy it for the raisins, which are a tad bit scarce in the box. Anywho, the raisins are the best part. 

Also ate Post Selects Great Grains (Cranberries) this week. It tastes a lot better than Raisin Bran, but isn't quite as healthy, though both of them are very healthy. 

Vegetable soup with sliced slow cooked beef brisket. It's like the ones you get on your phở tái. Also have those bow tie pasta noodles that I don't know the name of. They're delicious though (they taste like any other pasta noodle to be honest). 

Speaking of delicious, browned ground beef and pan fried potatoes. I always thought I was a meat and potatoes kind of guy. With Italian seasonings, black pepper and a pinch of salt. Derishous. 

Guess what I dug up! Our old ZOIDS! Whne I have time I'll cover these guys a bit more, but as it stands right now, I'm up to my ears trying to get into all the right courses before the end of this week. Anywho, from left to right, RZ-042 Command Wolf, RZ-041 Liger Zero, RZ-039 Raynos. I'd love a Shadow Fox, but these older ZOIDS models are pretty hard to find. 

FIRST DAY OF CLASSES. This is what goes into my bag. A few things missing, and those few things I didn't bring with me today, which left me in despair. 

From what's in the picture, it's typical stuff. Two water bottles, one for when I'm on the road, and one for the actual classes. Binder, pens, pencils and erasers are self-explanatory. Keys are near the top of the bag (that white figure is on my keys). PSP for the trip, though I never used it today. I also pack my laptop in my bag, and all together it ends up weighing somewhere around 20 lbs. It's probably too heavy, and bad for me, but I'll get through the year...somehow. Ignore those cards on the wallet. I put them in the shot for fun because I probably won't be using them for a looong time. Castle Fun Park wasn't very fun either.

What I forgot this morning:
Memory Stick Pro DUO adapter
Laptop charging adapter
iPod USB connector cable

It meant that both my laptop and iTouch were running on limited battery life. Luckily my iTouch managed to survive for over 5 hours on only 15% battery charge.

Breakfast this morning. The mornings are cold over here, and especially cold up in North Vancouver. The same vegetable soup, except this time with rice vermicelli. Warms you up, but I can't say that it's very filling.

Left the house at about 6:50 am to catch a bus to the train station. Traffic was pretty nice this morning. Hopefully it'll stay like that throughout my two semesters. I get a Student uPass, which is a transit pass that gives me unlimited zone and ridership until the pass expires at the end of the semester (in December), so Transit is the cheapest and most convenient way of getting up to Capilano.

Coming off the train. Vancouver's newest Skytrain line, the Canada Line, makes it super, super convenient for me, as I live conveniently near it. It cuts travel times from almost an hour from here to Richmond to just under a a half hour. Also cuts the time it takes to get downtown by at least 50%. The line opened just before the Olympics came to our neck of the woods and was super welcomed. The trains have a top speed of 80 km/h. Bet most Vancouver residents didn't know that. Doesn't seem very fast, but it bypasses all traffic, so it's never impeded. Unless someone tries to commit suicide and jumps on the rails. 

At Waterfront Station, I hopped on the Seabus to cross the Burrard Inlet and get to Lonsdale Quay, North Vancouver. The weather was really nice today. Also was on the new Seabus on both trips too. A shot of downtown Vancouver from the Seabus.

Inside the cabin of the Seabus. Nothing really special. It's only a 12 minute crossing. The Seabus seats quite a few people, and I have never seen it operating at full capacity, though I know that it does during peak hours and celebrations (like the Festival of Lights). 

You can't read the text on the boat but, I kid you not, it said Port Kenny. You might not realize it, but Kenn isn't exactly my actual name. For those who don't know me, my full name is Kenny, not Kenneth, Kennedy, Kentucky, Kenninineet, or Kenjinder.

That's how long it takes, approximately, to get from my place to Capilano. About an hour and fifteen minutes. It says 12 because I started the stop watch kind of late on the first bus.

I'm proud (not) to call this my lunch. There's actually three cookies there, but I ate one, and another is in the bag. That coffee left me feeling really, really funny for the rest of the day. Felt really tired and needed to use the washroom all the time. Also think I was twitching all day too.

Image by Kei-Suwabe

Class wasn't exactly eventful. First day of classes is rarely eventful to be honest. First class was MUS 100, Music Theory. The whole class was essentially review, though modal scales was new for me. Most people learned it, but I did my Rudiments with the RCM in the late 90's, before they changed the curriculum. That was the only new thing I learnt today.

Second class was MUS 112, Sight singing / Ear training. It wasn't entirely interesting either. Instructor had a nosebleed throughout the duration of the class though. Learned Solfege (doh re me fah so la ti doh) and also learned that I can't hit high notes very well. This class ended at 12:20, and my next class wasn't until 4pm, so I plunked myself down in the library, broke out the laptop and prepare for a long wait.

Image from Danbooru

Spent a good chunk of the day on my laptop, named Nanami as it runs the Windows 7 Nanami theme. As I forgot my adaptor, Nanami only had a limited charge time. I probably should change the settings back to energy saving mode. Tried to blog from the campus library, but my camera's memory card wouldn't fit. Nanami doesn't accept Memory Stick PRO Duo. Anywho, I now know that not many people are online at around noon. Izzy, Weej, and Ivy eventually kept me company at around 1~2 pm.

Image by Ryouga


Don't worry. I'm not feeling lonely or depressed. Well, a bit depressed, but that's due to the high costs of post secondary education. Anywho, I chose the image because, after waiting for at least 4 hours, I walked into the 4pm class, Choir, only to find 3 people there. Last semester there would be at least 10-12 people already there, even before class started. I was perplexed. Richard came in, we argued a bit, then I went to take a look at the signs on the bulletin boards. 

'NO CHOIR SEPT 7-10' Gee. Thanks for not putting it on the website.  So anywho, went up to talk to Lars (instructor) and found out that I enrolled in the wrong class. I should be in Section 2, not Section 1. Gonna have to change that tomorrow. Richard stayed to practice on the nicer piano, while I went to home grab some food to fill my starving and empty stomach.

Shot from the window of the Seabus on my trip back. Afternoon was gorgeous, the water was calm, and the sun was blinding me as it reflected off the waves. Nothing is more calming than great weather and not being able to look out the window because the sun keeps getting into your eyes.

Vote and help prove Izzy wrong!

Is this creepy or not?

Kudos to Ivy for finding the source of the nightmarish dog costume...though she's on Izzy's side of the table.

And on a completely different note, I've become quite the confidant character in this chapter of life.

It's why my blog looks like on iPhone and iPod Touch. If you haven't figured it out yet, this blog is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox at a resolution higher than whatever your smartphone is on.

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    Thas crazy Kenn n_n; I'd die if I had to commute to UBC from my house (PoCo)
