Fall '10 Anime Previews - 心霊探偵八雲

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Image from here

Think Ghost Hunt plus uh...Ghost Hunt.

Title: 心霊探偵八雲, Shinrei Tantei Yakumo, Spirit Detective Yakumo
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Supernatural 
Animation Studio: BEE TRAIN
Airs: 10/03 23:00

Summary from Fateful Encounters:
Based on novel by Kaminaga Manabu. Shinrei tantei yakumo aka psychic detective yakumo tells a story about a college student, Saitou Yakumo who born with different eye colors. His red left eye gave him a special ability to see ghosts and spirits. He believes ghosts and spirits are bound to earth because of a certain 'cause' and simply by eliminating that 'cause' will those spirits rest in peace. Being asked for help by Ozawa Haruka, together they began the investigation. 
Kenn's Comment: Yakumo's voiced by Ono Daisuke. It's kind of like Ghost Hunt, in that it's a mystery thing involving spirits and what not, it's got a strapping young (and smexy) detective and a cute girl who comes to him for help (in Mai's [GH] case she has to pay Naru back for the equipment she damaged). Anywho, it looks fabulously creepy-ish, though with BEE TRAIN at the helm, I'm a tad bit apprehensive, though that's not to say that they haven't done great jobs in previous series. Phantom was wonderful. Character design looks kind of funny though.

tl;dr: watch this.


Better quality over @ the show's site here.

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