K-ON!! 24 [END]

Thursday, September 16, 2010

;_; I...I didn't cry. Seriously!

Super spoiler and mega ultra image heavy post ahead. I-I'm just warning you before hand because I want to!  /tsundere

The last episode of K-ON, story-wise. The next two episodes are 'bonus' episodes. Anywho, this episode really tugged at heart strings. I'll just put it out there. This is the high school graduation you probably never will experience if you live in in the western world.

I'll call these three the B-team; A-team being Yui and co.. I still have to say I would not mind a few more episodes around these characters.

Azunyan...you should watch where you're walking a bit more. Yui and the rest of your club are leaving you, but pay attention to your surroundings a bit more!

Feel free to draw on the blank card. Keep reading to find out what that is.

Do you really need a bandage for running into a wall? I don't know, I've run into my share of doors, walls and light poles, and I don't think I've ever needed a bandage.

This scene was funny. Azunyan's expression changed in less than a second. Jun hoped that the graduation ceremony would go off without a hitch. Knowing Yui though...

Pre-ceremony activity thing. The lower grade students (Asuza & Ui's year) give prepared flowers to the graduating class.
It's that board again. I'd like to know how Ritsu kept that in place. 

Slowly revealing what the board is. 

Remember what Jun said about hoping that the ceremony went off without a hitch?

Sawa-chan has quite the imagination. I'm pretty sure Yui is smart enough to know that bringing Ton-chan into the ceremony wouldn't be a smart idea.

Communication lines never work out in anime. Order goes as so: Mio -> Mugi -> Ritsu -> Yui

You could probably say that Nodoka is the valedictorian. Not sure if that's what they call the student who does the graduation speech in Japan though.

 Remember the tape from last episode? That's what the mid-episode eye catch is. Anywho moving on to B-side.

She made it! I wish that my high school diploma was pretty like that. Heck, this episode made my graduation feel really, really cheap and lame.

Himeko-chan~ ヽ(´▽`)/

Himeko-chan~ ヽ(´▽`)/ She's really pretty. I WOULD NOT MIND HAVING HIMEKO AS A MAIN CHARACTER.

 The board is revealed. It's a gift from the class to Sawa-chan. In my highschool, our homerooms were rarely visited, so teachers don't often feel attached to a class. We'd have a homeroom class for the first week. After that we'd only go to our homerooms to pick up our report cards. I kind of wished we had homeroom every morning. It's a way to get a sense of unity in the grade, I think.

Oh Azunyan. Your face looks like it's straight from Minami-ke or Ichigo Mashimaro.

Peace signs...peace signs everywhere. Except Ritsu and Yui.

;_; 泣かないで、さわーちゃん!(Hope I got that right. Give me a shout if I weeb'd that up)

And now, I shall not talk until the end of the pictures. A picture is worth 1000 words after all.

;_; Azusa's tears were so sad. My graduation was nothing like that. I guess the difference is that they're graduation ceremony is after all the tests, while mine was...before all the tests (which is really stupid). So after the ceremony we were all back in classes studying for provincials and whatnots. Great joy!

Anywho, it was a fun second season, which had it's ups and downs, but definitely got better. I have to say that it's an improvement over the first season. This episode was really tender and lovely, similar to the ending of episode 20, which was also a tender episode (towards the end).

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  1. n___n Mine was kind of like theirs O: Except the girls despised the teachers a lot for being sooooo stingy with our clothes ):

  2. I love the music from K-On. And it was very touching the song they did for Azusa.

    It so sad that they will be gone from the school and Azusa will have to start K-On over with new members. I kept hoping that Azusa would say that she will go to the same college as them when she graduates so they can continue to be together with them.
