Weekly Webcomic Feature - ゆうかりん漫画

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Image by Ayakashi

Crap, today is a Thursday isn't it. 

;o; If only Yuuka was drawn like this more and less like this.

Title: ゆうかりん漫画, Yuukarin Comic
Genre: 4koma, comedy
Series: 東方 Project

Kenn's Comic: As the title pretty much states, the comic is based on Kazami Yuuka, a powerful flower demon. She's often drawn as a rather brutal sadist in doujins and artwork, which led to her pretty much becoming a sadist. It can get a tad bit violent at times, but all in all it should be safe for work. Couldn't find it on Pixiv, so you'll have to settle with Danbooru.

Oh, and for those who don't know:

Sadist: Enjoys inflicting pain on other people.
Masochist: Enjoys being on the receiving end of pain. Is referred to as simply 'M' a lot in manga and anime.

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