A Week with Kenn 57

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Image by Oshinbo

Happy (late) Mother's Day for all those this applies to, and all those who it will apply to. Congratulations before hand, even though the chances of me knowing you are about as likely as me being struck by lightning while walking to the corner store which is approximately 3 kilometers away.

Dinner from who knows when. Soy beans stir fried with ground beef and onions, with rice and soy sauce. Great quick meal. Packs a lot of energy too.

Mapo Tofu I made from the other day. Or at least, I had a hand in making. My mom kicked me out of the kitchen after she got tired of me bumbling around. Didn't make it super spicy as I wanted to because my sister had to eat too. Sauce wasn't quite as red as I hoped it would be. Also left out the Szechuan peppers because we didn't have any. Was still really tasty though. 

Sorry Andrew, no 'making of' photos. My mom was home, and she always gives me weird looks when I take photos of everything.

Had a try at making omurice today. For those who don't know, Omurice is fried rice inside an omlette. It's a popular dish in Japan, and is often featured in anime and dramas. Seems to come up a lot in Maid Cafe's too because the server can draw / write in ketchup on it. Anyways, the fried rice came out great, but the omlette got stuck to the pan and I ended up with partially scrambled eggs and fried rice. Still tasted great though. Fried rice had beef, peas, carrots, chili paste, soy sauce and ketchup. Should probably butter the pan before I make the omlette. Nonstick is not nonstick. Sad face.
Dad brought home Beard Papa's. This one was a Green Tea one. They're quite good, but not quite good for you. They're also much bigger than I thought they'd be. Used to eating smaller cream puffs.

My dad got me a new camera too. This after my brother broke my other camera. I've got a spare camera now. It's an amazing 4 megapixel Canon Powershot that's at least 5-6 years old. The Omurice and Beard Papa photos were taken with this new camera. I'll be using this one from now on.

Also traded my old iTouch in for a newer one. Yes, it's got pink case, and the screen protector looks a lot like an agar petri dish growing dozens of bacterial colonies, but it's a new iTouch. You can't really tell from there, but it's an iPod Touch 2G, so I finally get external speakers. Aside from that, the only other thing I got was Bluetooth and a whole lot of work adding all my music and whatnots on. Several hours to be exact.

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