
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Image by Kawagoe Pochi

A dancing doll. Yes, that's right. And no, it's not possessed. Saw it on Dannychoo.com just now.

For those who don't remember, last month, or exactly 32 posts ago, Natural made a post on BJD's. Well this one is a tad bit different. You can see more of her at the owner's website.

It's a 60cm Ball Jointed Doll, with modifications to it's limbs to enable movement. I read somewhere that it's got 25 servo's in it to give it it's motion. It's called 'The Super Dollfie' and here, it's dancing to Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca

Dancing to Levan Polka. The modifications to the limbs aren't very noticeable and really allow a wide range of movement, in the arms at least. It suffers the same problems that many robotic engineers face though, being bipedal, it's difficult to do motions with the legs without it falling over. Super Dollfie would probably be good at Para Para.

Here she's dancing to Bad Apple. For those who haven't seen it yet, I recommend you go watch the stylized shadow PV. The doll's movements get better and better everytime he does a video, and in this one it's almost a tad bit scary. Probably not a good thing to watch if you're doll-phobic. Autonomous dolls probably would scare the pants off of them. Miko outfit is great too.

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