Grand Braver 26

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I reckon this might be one of the best episodes of the series.

The opening is 『GO!グランブレイバー!』 by 福山芳樹 (Fukuyama Yoshiki). He's got a looong history of singing the songs for epic series, and is a member of JAM Project. He's got an awesome voice too.

Grand Braver #26 - The Light of Awakening!

The three main gals (and characters) with their respective Brave warrior: Chizuru/Kaiser, Sayaka/Mach, and Shinobu/Drill.

The wild card, Hazuki and her machine, Battler. He doesn't have a voice in the episode, but I'm assuming it's male, since the other three are too. 

The enemy is the evil Duke Machine! He absorbs energy, as well as figuring out the ability to use the power of humans like the heroes from the Brave galaxy.

These are the three main Brave warriors. Kaiser, Mach and Drill. After combining, they form Yuusha Coujin Grand Braver!

Even with the Brave sword however, Duke Machine proves to be more powerful than they warriors.

 Lovely eye catch. 

Cue Hazuki to the rescue! That's not Hazuki btw. She's Professor Saotome, who not only maintains the machine, but also leads the team.

With Battler added as the fourth Brave warrrior, they become Shin Yuusha Choujin Grand Braver!

With their combined powers, they defeat the evil Duke Machine, and peace is restored on Earth...but for how long?

ED was nice too. Very fitting for a series like this. Song is 『奏でて星歌』 by 三重野 瞳 (Mieno Hitomi). You might recognize her voice as she did the opening for Jigoku Shoujo's first and third seasons.

Fooled you, didn't I? Last week's Mayoi Neko Overrun was a throwback to the classic Mecha series, before all the Gundam and Macross mecha hype came in. This was something closer to Transformers, or the Super Sentai.

This again, because it thought it looked really cool.

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