Spring Anime Updates 4

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Image by is ii


Image heavy post.

edit: haha, 50 images in total. Too much html broke blogger. For older posts use either the 5 latest posts at the side, or the archive a little bit lower on the right side of the page.

Angel Beats! 6

The episode was pretty good. I felt that it was too rushed though. The whole Ayato thing got resolved pretty darn quickly, and probably too peacefully for some people. Ayato going off to a life story after getting smacked in the face was a bit weird too. The episode did carry a good amount of emotion though, and that's probably why I liked it. If only Mayoi Neko Overrun could carry on the emotion from episode 4....

Can anyone guess how these two characters are related? If you guessed that they have the same seiyuu, you're correct! The character in the top row is Takamori Haruka (超昂閃忍ハルカ), and the bottom row being Yurippe. You shouldn't know who and where Haruka comes from if you're 18.

Arakawa Under the Bridge 6

Episode 6 wasn't quite as entertaining as the previous 5, but was still very entertaining. Ric's rage face is killing me. Hoshi's swan song was hilarious, and although Ric won in actuality, it seems that Hoshi got the last laugh. Himo himo himo himo~. The iron brothers clinging onto Nino like that was pretty cute, and it was pretty funny, and painfully obvious, that they'd sink like...well, iron. Nino's skumizu was still *u* as hell though. 

いちばんうしろの大真央 6

Well, the obligatory beach episode was fun. Korone's imouto act was fun, and her face was absolute bliss. Keina's sea cucumber stroking was filled with innuendo, the slimy sea critter being wonderful phallic imagery. Interesting how the girls make use of Akuto's other home, the cave where Peter sleeps (and Keina) sleeps. The episode also revealed another reason for why the school doesn't let Keina keep a rice cooker. She can make sake from it! For those who watched Moyashimon, good for you. You know how sake is made, in various ways. Which way do you think Keina made hers? The episode also dived a tad bit further into the two (Akuto and Keina).

Kaicho wa Maid-sama! 6

That scene. THAT SCENE! Entertaining episode. The 5 brothers got on my nerves after a while though. They're a wonder of the natural world though. Identical quintuplets? Anywho, that scene. It was the highlight of the episode, and most of the viewers who watch the show. Usui jumping off the roof after that scene was done pretty well, and what ensued was pretty fun. It seems that one of the five brothers is a tad bit different too. Body guard Misa. Anywho, here's that scene.

Kiss x Sis 6

Kiryuu-sensei is the win. Ako and Riko have it right. The internet is for porn. The faces in the beginning were pretty funny. Kiryuu-sensei's got the best imagination, probably on par with the two sisters, only with military generals, and a bit more phallic imagery. I believe I've said this before, but this series isn't for kids, so if you're under 15 grab your parents and have them watch with you (don't do that, please.)

Working!! 6

Why so many pictures? Because this episode was great. The first part wasn't quite as funny as the second half. The episodes mainly focused on Takanashi's four sisters, but the beginning 50 seconds of the episode was disgustingly adorable and was sweet enough to give you diabetes. The Magic Hand was awesome too. Great how it was the only 3D object in the series to date. I used to have one when I was younger. I think I left it in Texas years ago though. The rabbit on the desk was great too. I'm planning to try and make it. I'll have it up on the blog when I get around to starting it.

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