Manga of the Week - ホーリーランド

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Image from here

It's more interesting than the title sounds. 

Title: ホーリーランド, Holyland
Author: Mori Kouji
Genre: Seinen, Action, Drama, Psychological
Serialized in: Hakusensha Young Animal
Total Volume Count: 18

Summary from MangaUpdates:
Yuu is a high school kid who doesn't really fit anywhere. To find a place he can belong, be accepted, he will do anything. However one thing leads to another and he is forced to fight to keep his place, his holyland.
Kenn's Comment: Eugh. I'll go by what I've read on the forums over at Animesuki, rather than the comments left over at MangaUpdates. I liked it. Sure the kid is a bit of a pain with his wimpy attitude, but he changes...a bit, but nevertheless, he changes over the course of the manga. Over at MangaUpdates, people give low scores saying that the information in the manga is incorrect, whereas others argue otherwise. Really just a big mess. Anywho, I feel that the manga really is quite realistic compared to a lot of the other martial arts manga out there, like Kenichi and Hajime no Ippo. On another note, it seems that there's a drama or something like that for the manga? Saw some images on google while hunting for the cover picture.

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