Spring Anime Previews 4 - 閃光のナイトレイド

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Image from ANN  

Taking over Sora no Woto's time slot.

Title: 閃光のナイトレイド, Senkou no Night Raid
Genre: Action, Drama, Historical, Mystery
Airs: 04/05 25:30
Animation Studio: A-1 Pictures
Summary from ANN:
The story is set in Shanghai in 1931, when the Imperial Japanese Army has been dispatched to mainland China due to the relatively recent First Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, and World War I. In this cosmopolitan city of intrigue, there is a special military spy organization called "Sakurai Kikan" that has since been buried in history.
Kenn's Comment: Who's up for a spy thriller? Not only that, it's set in China (like Canaan was). Haven't heard all too much about it, but it'll be interesting to see how they do this. Can't really put the Japanese as the good guys when they're occupying China.


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