Spring Anime Previews 15 - キスシス

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Image from Danbooru

Oh boy. Had to choose the image carefully so that it wouldn't get taken off of Photobucket and get my blog flagged. ^^;

Title: キスシス, Kiss x Sis
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance
Airs: 04/05 23:30
Animation Studio: Feel

Summary from ANN:
Keita has two older step-sisters, Ako and Riko, but since they aren't related by blood, they love him in a lustful way. After a mishap at school, Ako and Riko finally confess their love to him. Keita dislikes the thought of seeing them other then brother and sister, but as he tries to enter the same school as his sisters, he slowly becomes attracted to them.
Kenn's Comment: Oh boy. Well, this is pretty much taking Ladies vs Butlers!'s place on AT-X's schedule. Qwaser has a two cour run, so it'll be running along side Kiss x Sis. I'm worried that it'll be killed by mass censorship, much like what's happening to Qwaser (unless you watch on the webcast). There's a lot that they can censor, so that's my first and utmost concern for this series. My other concern is that they focus on fanservice and the story doesn't go anywhere.


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