Currently Playing...10

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Image by Humio
Spoiler: she dies.

Well, I guess it's not really currently playing anymore, seeing as I finished the game. The ending was pretty much screaming "have fun waiting for WKC 2. 

Anywho, the obligatory run down.
Title: 白騎士物語 -古の鼓動- , White Knight Chronicles
Developer: Level 5
Platform: Playstation 3
Vintage: 25/12/08 (JP), 02/02/10 (NA)

Kenn's Comment: The story is...meh. It's okay at it's best. Nothing cutting edge or whatever in the the way the story works. It can go from okay, to cheesy, to cliche. The graphics are good though. At it's best, the game is pretty fun. At it's worst, the game can be excruciatingly slow. Waiting for the action circle to make it's full round can be painful. The fact that enemies can hit you with melee from across the screen and you can't makes it a tad bit frustrating too, though nowhere near the levels of frustration that Demon's Soul can bring up. That being said, it's not a bad game, and if you have the time, I'd say give it a shot.


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