Winter Anime Previews 15 - リオラインボ-ゲート

Monday, January 03, 2011

Image by Koutaro

It's a more ways than one. Or maybe not.

Title: リオラインボ-ゲート, Rio Rainbow Gate
Genre: Comedy
Animation Studio: Xebec
Airs: 01/04 23:00 TOKYO MX
Official Website: Rio Rainbow Gate

Series Summary: N/A

Kenn's Comment: If you played Tecmo's Super Black Jack, or more recently, Dead or Alive Paradise (on the PSP), you might recognize Rio. Of all the characters Tecmo had to choose from, they chose Super Blackjack. Is there a release of a new game I haven't heard of? I'm pretty sure Dead or Alive would've made a better series. Look at how Queen's Blade did. 

Grumbling aside, the loli's cute I've got no clue on how this will play out, or what it'll be about. To my knowledge from the PV, Rio...will likely be going up against a whole bunch of rowdy customers coming into her casino. I could be wrong, so don't take my word for it. Those who have something against gambling, pairs of nice tata's, good looking 2D girls, casino's and a likely terrible plot may want to avoid this series.


In case the video doesn't work: link. And Fail safe link.

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