Projekt 625 X DancexMixer 

Friday, September 04, 2009

Remember when I said I had an ambitious project for Kaihaku? Well, here it is, sort of. This was a learning process for me, getting used to using the program. I've got another project in mind, so look forwards to that.

TK wants to do a joint project, where he makes the music via Vocaloid, and I'd choreograph it, via DancexMixer. Ambitious? Yes. Possible? Perhaps. Fun? Definitely.

Anywho, the three characters are カイハク, T.K., and ウイジ.

Whether she likes it or not, Weej got herself a character, whom she had no say in whatsoever. xD

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  1. If that's not Weej, then what else is supposed to be Weej?!? perfect resemblance. <3

    I'll change my character name, don't worry =p
