Wax Hat Candy Hunt

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Image by fere
Running around the city with the usual crew. Picked up nothing interesting myself though.

Alrighty, so today I went running around Metro and Crystal Mall with the usual crew of Ed and Jason. Jason wanted to find wax (hair product) while Ed wanted to find a hat. I wanted to see if I could find myself another Figma, or some other "Otaku Hardware". I stopped by Arby's to get some food, and then we left to Lids for a hat. 
After not finding anything, we headed off to Crystal Mall, where we hunted for wax and figmas. They didn't have any. They might have actually, but I don't want any Haruhi ones. 
After searching in vain at Crystal Mall, we headed back to Metro to hunt for wax and hats. Went to Superstore and T&T to look. Spent a bit in Superstore deciding on what to get. Didn't get anything in the end. Got wax, drinks and a sandwich for Ed there. The drinks were terrible. Tasted like tonic water. Ick. The drink below.

Anywho, went back to Jason's place, after we made a quick stop at Edmond's for him to grab stuff. We hunted for a bit at Jason's, while eating candy, and listening to intro songs and commercials from the 90's. Makes us feel so old. Love house hippos. xD Anywho, that's about it. Might go down to Richmond later this week to find some figmas, and maybe go down to Superbored again to replace a Tshirt that my mom lost. Sad face. $40 D:

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  1. rofl, that's a nice tonic water you got thar =P

  2. er..... why did the chicken cross the road?
