Summer Night Market 20

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Image by socha

Alrighty, so twas another night down in Richmond. I stuck this series on hiatus, since nothing interesting was happening. Tonight, however, I'd say stuff happened. I'll list'em instead of typing up some stuff.

First time lighting the stove. It's a propane stove, so you gotta get a barbecue lighter to start it. We left the gas running to a bit too long, so went I went to light it, it caused a micro-explosion, (cue sound effect "foom") and singed my hand. Scary, but no injuries.

Apparently, my newest Super Bored shirt has the image of my cousin's friend's cousin's god-sister on it. Yes, it's pretty far off, but that's an interesting fact.

While cleaning up, my cousin and his friends (and included me) played a game where you couldn't use words with a particular letter. If you say a word with the letter, you'd get punched. First was "T". Was quite difficult, as you can see. A very common letter.After it went to W. Not as difficult, but still a bit tricky, as you don't expect it to come up. I'd say that the highlights were...

"Understand doesn't have a T"
"Wait" punch "Time out!" punch "Stop!" punch
"...There are warm fluids..." (couldn't say water)

Being crafty, and quiet, I simply just didn't talk. I used French too, but apparently I can't. Ou est la toilette?, rather than "where is the toilet?"

Anywho, that's about it for the day. More previews to come tomorrow. Nights y'all.

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