Autumn Anime Previews 8 - こばと。

Friday, September 18, 2009

Title:  こばと。, Kobato.
Genre: Seinen, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Airs: 10/06 20:00
Animation Studio: Madhouse Studios

Kenn's Comment: I've only read a bit of the manga, but from what I've read about it, it seems like this is quite the series. Plus, it's a CLAMP series, so it'll be good. Madhouse is on it, and it's not the same genre as Tsubasa Chronicles, so hopefully, we won't end up with another one of those. A strong cast of seiyuu are on this. ;D

Summary from ANN:
Kobato is a young girl that for unknown reasons, needs to fill a mysterious bottle with the feelings of people with a heart in pain, for that she needs to "Cure" other people's hearts and make them happy, but this could become even more difficult than she thought.Her companion for this task is a grumpy plush dog she calls Ioryogi-san

Trailer (Courtesy of Kadokawa): 

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