Saturday, March 24, 2012

This one is the #1 from last week I believe on the rankings. It certainly deserves that win too. It's quite something.

Title: SILVER BULLET, シルバーバレット
Producer: ぺぺろんP
PV: 御厨わた
Vocaloid: GUMI V3

Kenn's Comment: It really come off as the opening to an anime or game, don't you think? The vocal line reminds me a lot of the older works of fripSide, like red reduction division or hurting heart. GUMI's V3 rendition is something to really be reckoned with. She still sounds like GUMI, which can't be said of Crypton's append, where Miku's various voices slightly alter her colour and can cause her to sound quite different from her usual.

The PV, too, is quite impressive. It's not animated any different from the masses, but the art is really quite impressive.

Now if you excuse me, I have some breakfast to go eat. Yes, I know. It's freaking 4pm. 

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