Spring Anime Previews 2012 - 緋色の欠片

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Image from Otomate

I haven't a clue about this one, but it's got lots of pretty guys, for those who are interested.

Title: 緋色の欠片, Hiiro no Kakera, Scarlet Fragment
Animation Production: Studio DEEN
Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural
Airs: 04/01 22:00 TOKYO MX
Website: http://www.hiironokakera.tv/

Series Summary from ANN:
The original game centered around Tamaki Kasuga, a 17-year-old high school girl. When her parents have to go overseas for work, Tamaki moves to her mother's hometown in the mountains with her grandmother. On the day that Tamaki arrives at the village, she encounters strange creatures, only to be saved by a mysterious boy. The boy, Takuma Onizaki, is the first of five Guardians of the Tamayohime that Tamaki meets. 
Kenn's Comment: Another otogei that's been adapted (other examples are UtaPuri and Hakouki).

Seems like the first episode of this one (preview episode I believe) aired already on Yomiuri a while back. Not sure how that one went, but it seems that the episode was more or less positively received. The PV looks really good, and the voice cast is the same as the PS2 game's cast, so players of that one will feel right at home with the voices.

The anime will be/is streaming on Crunchyroll, so for those in the regions that CR is available, you'll find it there.


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