毎週の歌 - TRY UNITE!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Image from MiniTokyo

Nakajima Megumi's latest song and OP of 「輪廻のラグランジェ」.

Artist: 中島愛 (Nakajima Megumi)
Genre: Pop
Single: TRY UNITE! / Hello!
Album: N/A
Vintage: 01/02/12

Kenn's Comment: The MV...seems oddly disconnected from the song. Maybe it's just because I'm much more used to watching the anime's opening sequence to the song than the MV is. It's also been a while since I've heard Nakajima's non-Ranka voice. I'm rather fond of the song; it's got a really catchy chorus, and the instrumental backing is nice too. I think it'd make a really good driving song, don't you think?

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