毎週のVOCALOID - 春に一番近い街

Saturday, March 17, 2012

40mP does it again. This song is great!

Title: 春に一番近い街, Haru ni Ichiban Chikai Machi, Town closest to Spring
Producer: 40mP
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: GUMI (Power)

Kenn's Comment: Great song. The PV is really quite nice too. It's a live-action PV, probably of 40mP's town. It must be pretty warm over there if there are already flowers that are opened up. I don't think I've seen any buds opening up here in the 604.

Translation wise, I've seen some as 'Town Nearing Spring'. Not sure if that's right, but I'm almost certain that 一番 is a superlative phrase (English equivalent to -est suffixes), so that's the reasoning behind that translation.

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