毎週のVOCALOID トウメイショウジョ

Saturday, March 10, 2012

~-~ Gauntlet of tests on Monday. "orz

Title: トウメイショウジョ, Toumei Shoujou, Transparent Girl
Producer: ゆずひに
PV: びちょこ
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: When the title gets put into all katakana like that, it makes it hard for me to read =3=. Anywho, this is a great one from...this week I believe. The PV is a combination of kinetic typography as well as animated sections. It's more or less in gray scale until the end, when it gets hit with the full colour treatment, as well as a slightly abrupt ending (imo).

Anywho, it's a great song at the end of it. I'm pretty sure that the girl is a ghost of sorts.

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