Weekly Vocaloid Feature - はやぶさ -Welcome Back Version-

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Image by Kyuu Umi
Relates to this weeks Weekly Webcomic. Be sure to do the jump, because I included a video that has the lyrics to the ballad in there.

Title:  はやぶさ -Welcome Back Version-, Hayabusa - Welcome Back Version -
Producer: キセノンP (SHO)
Vocaloid: 初音ミク
Genre: Ballad

Kenn's Comment: A lovely song celebrating the return of Japan's deep space asteroid sampling satellite, Hayabusa (formerly known as MUSES-C). It's actually a ballad version of this song, by the same producer. People said they wanted to hear a ballad version of it, so he made it. It's a bit more fitting. The original isn't that bad either though.The song lyrics bring a tear to my eye, knowing what happened to the little satellite that could.

English subbed original verison. Ballad version has the same lyrics.

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