Days with Kenn 68

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Image by lovezawa

Finally got the new template up and running. If you find any issues or have anything you want to say (that's constructive), drop me a message or something.

My shades, in reference to this. I was wearing these all the time last week while I waited for a lens to be replaced on my glasses. They're prescription sunglasses, so I wore them so I could clearly see the screen in front of me. I've got my glasses back now, so I won't be wearing the sunglasses all that much.

A late night snack from last week. Italian multi-grain bread with marbled cheddar, an apple and raisin spice bread on the far right, and raspberries and strawberries. Tasty and healthier than some of the other things I've put up.

I love this knife. Well, actually I don't. But it's fun to play with. It's a bread knife, and it's pretty big. I've been cut once by it. Pretty bad cut too. Leave a very ragged wound. Didn't hurt all that much for some reason either. Bled like hell though.

Ice coffees are great in the summer. Until the caffeine wears off at least. I remember having McD's ice coffees last year during a promotion where ice coffees were free for a day or two.

Dinner from a few days ago. Rice, cucumbers and pickles, and honey mustard chicken. In the two bowls at the top are (left) ketchup mixed with group chili paste, and (right) Dijon mustard. Very filling meal. Probably was a bit too much to eat.
Stuck the Mirai Clock 2 onto my iTouch. If you're wondering what it does, it's pretty much just a clock. Mirai just types away on her laptop. I'm kind of liking the new update for the iPhone / iTouch. The folders are convenient, but they don't look all that nice. And I don't have enough apps to use folders anyways.

Image by Shinjimi-sama

So two of my cousins from Texas came over for a vacation. They're over for a while, so I probably won't have time to do the anime posts I wanted to do. 

My aunt called yesterday morning and asked my brother to take my cousins out to 'the restaurant'. Now, we have two restaurants, and he happened to pick the wrong one. My brother and the two cousins ate down in Richmond, while my older cousin and I drove up to the other restaurant on Kingsway. Realizing that they were in the wrong place, we hightailed it back down to Richmond. 

Image from Korea Club

Picked up lunch (actually brunch) at Yaohan. Dolsot bibimbap from Seoul Express. Tastiest food in Yaohan comes from there. My cousin had $5 chinese food (as usual). After stuffing ourselves, we headed up to the Kingsway restaurant. We're greeted by even more food. I didn't eat. If I did, I think I would've actually exploded. My aunt and uncle then proceeded to ditch work to go play golf, leaving the poor employee there to manage by herself. So my cousin stayed behind while we went home.

Picked these up at Metro, which we went to later in the day. Green Tea Milky candy, Hot & Spicy Calbee chips (with 15% more!!), and the Calpico. The aloe drink I picked up a few days ago from a 7-11.

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  1. Milky green tea candy *u*
    heck, any asian milk candy is *u*
