毎週のVOCALOID - うたをうたうひと

Saturday, July 07, 2012

This one's pretty awesome.

Title: うたをうたうひと, (The) Singer Sings
Producer: ぽわぽわP
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: The title is kind of funny. うたうひと (utau-hito) is literally 'song person', though I'm much more used to seeing 'singer' as 歌手 (kashu).

The beat is pretty darn cool, and I get the feeling that's Miku's soft voice? It's not indicated whether it's APPEND, though I've noticed that they're not really specifying between most of the APPEND voices now. Probably for the best because it keeps the Vocaloid as a single entity rather than having non-append and append's multiple voices.

The chorus is great though there's a part somewhere in the middle with a synthesized choral chord that I couldn't done without. Felt a bit out of place as it's the only part that it comes in.


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