A Day with Kenn 67

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Image by Super Normal

It's been a while since I last posted A Day with Kenn. 

First off, I'd just like to point out that Super Normal's art is really quite nice. More on his/her pixiv. Or you could just find a few of the artist's works on Danbooru, if you don't have a Pixiv account. 

Om nom nom. A tasty fried chicken sandwich from Church's. Ate while watching last week's episode of Durarara!!. My favourite sandwich from Church's is this one. Spicy thigh sandwich. Tastes like happiness.

Breakfast from early this week. Toast with a cheese I forget the name of melted on it, with tomatoes, sea salt and black pepper. Tasted great and it's probably not all that bad for your health!

Half of a Mr. Freeze; one of the two my sister saved for us. My brother took the other half, as well the other one. These things are cold, yes, but they make you thirstier. They're just frozen syrup anyways. We used to get these every sports day in elementary school. I guess they're still doing it if my sister got them.

Cocoa Rice Krispies. Yum. I'm not really a huge fan of rice krispies, but these are great. They only sell these in those small single boxes though. 

Lunch from a few days ago. Pasta in vegetable soup. Things like this are dead simple to make. Throw a tonne of vegetables in the slow cooker with water and almost cook some pasta. Almost cook because the hot soup will finish cooking the pasta. And you're done. 8D Can't be any simpler. 

Tried to look fancy, but was too lazy to find anything other than cheese. The package said these were gourmet crackers, so I decided to try and dress them up a bit. As you can see, they're probably dressed about as well as I usually am. In other words, not very well.

Recently started another VN after The Sagara Family. This one here is Edelweiss, by Overdrive. The story for it is less than impressive at first glance, and Manga Gamer's translation is even less impressive. In the first half hour, I found more errors in the English than I did in my Crim 101 research paper. The main character's three friends are also a bit of a turn off. I'm trying to escape reality by playing a bishoujo game, but why are there not-so-bishoujo games and more-than-ugly guys? GIVE ME BACK MY ESCAPIST FICTION.

I'm also planning to start Princess Waltz sooner or later. Might end up starting this and ditching Edelweiss. It's a game by Pulltop that combines the usual galge elements with an 'innovative' battle system. No ugly and retarded friends here! Escapist fiction! It's released in English by Peach Princess. Hopefully they do better than Manga Gamers. Not entirely impressed on their work with The Sagara Family, and even less impressed with Edelweiss, though it's one of their first releases. 

This VN is only the wait list for me. Haven't started it yet. I fear that it'll hit me like a truck. It's called 車輪の国、向日葵の少女 (Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo), Wheel Country, Sunflower Girl. It's got an interesting story, but I feel that sad really fast. Hope my sanity is left in tact when I get around to finish this one. 

On another note, I'm hoping to get the new template up and running soon. I ended up running into problems while doing some post testing, and I haven't found why the problem is there, so I might just end up ignoring it. Anywho, once I get it up and running, feel free to leave me comments or suggestions on the new template. Also, if anyone is really good with jQuery and stuff like that and is interested in helping me learn how to use them, drop me a message. 

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