Summer Anime Previews 17 - 殿といっしょ

Friday, June 25, 2010

Image from Rakuten

Yeah. I don't know.

Title: 殿といっしょ, Tono to Issho
Genre: Comedy, Historical
Airs: 07/05 26:14
Animation Studio: Gathering
Summary from ANN:
The manga follows the humorous exploits of generals during Japan's tumultuous sengoku (Era of the Warring States) period.
Kenn's Comment: Yeah. I really don't know. Don't think I'll watch this, but I said the same thing about Strike Witches, Kiss x Sis, Seikon no Qwaser, etc. and I ended up watching them. Anywho, the manga seems to have sold fairly well, so I guess it's probably pretty good. There's an OVA episode that was released. No clue how that did. Gackt played Uesugi Kenshin, so I guess it'd be wrong to say that his character in Shiki is his first role. But, again, I really don't know.

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