Mobip 07 - 宮藤芳佳

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Image by Kamiya Tomoe

Took me two hours to do, but I got it done. Guess this means that I'll have to do the same with Shana and Rin. "orz

Mobip 07 Miyafuji Yoshika (Strike Witches)

Mobips are like Revoltech and Figma. You'd classify them as 'action figures'. Quality wise, they're similar to Revoltech, but I can't really guage an accurate comparison, since I only have one Revoltech and Mobip. 

Anywho, the boxing is quite nice. Construction wise, a Mobip is like a fusion of Revoltech and Figma. I'm guessing the hip joint is Mobip's 'signature'. The joints are made similar to a Figma, however most of them can be taken apart like a Revoltech. 

As usual, all images can be enlarged by giving them a click of the mouse.

Yoshika without her magic activated. She looks kind of funny without her ears and tail, but maybe that's just because most fan art of the witches have them in Witch mode.

The Mobip base is really nice though. It's got one more joint than a Figma base, and the base is really nice. The extra joint lets you do a few more poses. Also makes certain poses easier.

The base has the Witches' magic circles on it, as well as 9 holes where you can put the articulated stand. I don't remember them making Mobips for all the Witches, but if they do, it'd mean you could fit the whole team on one base.

As with many other action figures, Yoshika is able to stand on her own, without the use of the stand. Sometimes some figures, especially when holding props, have a very hard time standing on their own. With her props it's actually impossible for Yoshika to stand on her own.

More detailing on the Striker Units probably wouldn't have hurt, but it's pretty nice as it is. The Striker Unit can be quite confusing to put on, though anyone who watches the show, or knows anything about aircraft will know which way the unit should be worn.

The shot in the bottom middle was harder than it looks to take. The Striker Unit comes with two propellers, one pair of static propellers (static being they're not in motion), and one pair of spinning propellers (they're in motion so all you see is a disk). 

Her gun, Type 99 Aircraft Cannon, is really nice. Making her hold it properly on the other hand, isn't quite so nice. Her 'trigger finger' is a nightmare to align with the actual trigger. 

Bottom Right photo is an attempt to mimic this 1/8th PVC figure by Alter. 

Obligatory shot from behind. Yoshika's ears and tail are those of Shiba-inu (a Japanese dog breed).

Anywho, how'd y'all like my 'Poor man's light box'? There isn't even a light with it! There was supposed to be, but I was a bit too lazy to try and drag down my lamp. It probably would've made a noticeable difference in the photo quality though. Might try using the lamp for Shana and Rin. Would you call this, ingenuity, or just being very cheap?

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  1. INGENUITY :'D I'd do the same thing!

    She's cute! Especially with the strawberry. Except...does she have no skirt? Her top looks too long to be a shirt but too short to be a dress.

    WTF IS ON HER FEET. She has daikon with flaps LOOOL.

  2. In Strike Witches, any female who's within a certain age group don't wear skirts / pants / etc. Yoshika's only got a top on, and usually has a school swimsuit underneath.

    Those are striker units!

  3. OHHH I see n_n;; It looks funny =X
