Song of the Week - NO, Thank You!

Friday, August 06, 2010

Image by Mirai

K-ON!! ED 2.

Ritsu!!  っ´Д`)っ

Title: NO, Thank You!
Artist: 放課後ティータイム (Ho-kago Tea Time)
Genre: Pop
Single: NO, Thank You!
Album: N/A
Vintage: 2010/08/04 (YY/MM/DD)

Kenn's Comment: I like the ED a whole lot more than the OP, but the B side for the ED isn't as great as the OP's B side. Confused yet? The lyrics are pretty nice (a far cry from Mio's Noah's Ark lyrics), and as usual Mio (Hisaka Youko) provides the vocals for the ED. The video is pretty nice too. Anything with a headbandless-Ritsu gets instant points from me.

On another note, it's been a while since Song of the Week has been something from anime. Stay tuned for a smexilicious Gakupo Vocaloid Feature tomorrow.

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    But goddamit, <_< why is Yui once again hairclipless? She's way more moe with a hairclip.
