A Day with Kenn 80

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Image by Itou Noiji

The big eight zero! This post mainly covers the last few days. 

This post should also be known as Powell Street Festival.


Lunch from a while back. Some sort of curry marinated chicken, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers, and rice. The chicken has a nice kick to it, but it's not overly spicy.

Walked up the hill to get to the top get to a noodle house on Victoria (drive). The grass is all dried up and prickly. The hot dry weather lately has resulted in a lot of lawns looking like that too. You can tell who's been using lots of water based on how their yards look.

The noodle house was closed, so I picked up a hot dog from 7-11. Add condiments at home so that they didn't slosh around in the box on my walk home. Nothing beats a good hot dog.

Except maybe a good Japanese sweet potato! Man, I went through at least 10 of these in the last few days. n__n So tasty.

This is a purple yam. Unlike the sweet potatoes, this one wasn't tasty. It was pretty dry and hard to eat. I'll stick to my potatoes thanks.

These are awesome. My mom made it. It's a modified rice krispy! It's got sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, and chocolate chips all melted together with marshmallows. It's a tasty concoction that probably isn't any better for you than a regular rice krispy bar is.

Day 1 of the Powell Street Festival.This is the 神輿 (mikoshi) of the festival. I didn't see it being carried because my mom was so unimpressed by the festival we left within 15 minutes of getting there.

Photo by Joe Elder

It probably looked something like this. This photo is off the Powell Street Festival site and is from a festival a few years back.

Another thing. Not sure how this was moved, but it's got a drum up there, so obviously someone was supposed to stand there and drum away.

An unpainted and undecorated..mikoshi? Not really sure because I didn't read the info blip paper beside it. Sure looks like a scaled miniature version of a very elaborate and big omikoshi though.

A better shot of the top of the mikoshi. Lots of things there. They basically serve as portable Shinto shrines, so they've got to be good enough for a god to take up residence in.

Some really big paper cranes that hung from trees around Oppenheimer park.

A shot from today. These blackberries grow along my path to the bus stop for the 20. You could probably eat these, but I'm not quite too sure about their ripeness.

Most of these ones are probably ripe, but they're really low to the ground, so I wouldn't take my chances with these guys. I'll leave them for the Ratatas and the Zizagoons.

A lot of greenery along the way. I was half expecting to have to battle a wild Pidgey or Ratata. Fortunately (or unfortunately) nothing came out. Good thing too, because I didn't have any of my Pokemon or Pokeballs with me.

If there was one thing I hated about walking to the 20 stop, it'd be the hill. The hill is a bit more than uncomfortably steep, and makes short work of me. Going down it on a rainy night is probably one of the scariest things you can do. It's steep enough that on certain sections of the sidewalk, they've stuck little concrete rungs into the sidewalk so you don't slide down the concrete. The houses are really nice in the area though. Equally expensive too.

Day 2 of the Powell Street Festival. I think there were more people there today than yesterday. Or maybe it's just because I was there later in the day compared to yesterday.

While there aren't too many stalls to shop around at, you can find some pretty interesting things at the handful of tents set up. For those of you who still have Barbie dolls, would you dress her up in thesekimono? I think they'd be great for smaller BJD's too. Too big for Figma though.

Speaking of dolls, this lady makes wooden and sewn fabric dolls. They're pretty cute, and the wooden dolls are traditional Japanese dolls called kokeshi dolls (こけし). They're at the far right of the photo. If you still don't know what they look like, they're the basis of the Mii's, the character avatars of the Nintendo Wii.

Bought myself a nice Kamen Rider 1 character mask. It's made out of some pretty sturdy plastic, and actually fits me, unlike that black robotic face mask I bought for a dollar off the internet.

A pretty cool effect, huh? This is what it more or less looks like when you're looking through the mask. I took the photo by sticking the camera behind the mask.

There were a few martial arts demos today. First was an aikido demonstration, and then there was a shoriji kempo demo. Both demos had senior practitioners all the way to new beginning disciples (most of them children). The senior practitioners had chest plates which looked pretty cool.

The food tents were probably one of the most popular area. The line up was absurdly long.

I was supposed to meet up with Izzy today at one. Yes, I guess I did tell her I'd be wearing my beloved horse mask, but I didn't have the guts to run around in public wearing it. So I sat and pulled it out, laying it out beside me. I got enough weird stares like that. She didn't find me, and about an hour and a bit later, I found her in the line up for the food stall.

I don't have any photos of her though. Stuff came up on her end so we couldn't hang, so you can go complain to her over at her blog. She had a Plusle character mask. I think my Kamen Rider mask was cooler by leaps and bounds.

Though my plans were as good as spoiled, I stuck around to watch the musical performance of Haagen-Ryuzen, a fusion of electric music and acoustic Japanese flute instrumentals. I really liked all the flute parts, and it was awesome when he started swinging around the didgeridoo. Didgeridoos sound really funny.

He looked pretty funny playing it into the mic though. The bass coming from it could be heard from quite far away. Sounded kind of like a dog barking.

A shot of the empty stage.

Some traditional Japanese dance by Otowa Ryu. I was wondering what all the girls and women in kimono were standing behind the stage were going to do.

Also a dance involving fans (which are always cool).

A mask I got for my brother. I think it's Kamen Rider V3, but I'm not sure. The mask is a tad bit smaller than my Kamen Rider 1 mask, but I didn't want to get two of the same. Didn't take a shot from behind the mask with this one.

Shots from my walk home. Fruit trees line the streets, but I've never been able to tell what kind of trees they are. The fruit of the trees is the middle picture, and obviously the photo on the right is a picture of the tree itself. The fruit is supposedly very sweet and tasty, though I've never been able to find one that hasn't been either squished on the ground or dried up and picked at by birds.

Closing with a video of our overly-excited dog. The moment he smells food he goes insane.


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  1. Kamen Rider with messed room and stuffs on top of keyboard ftw xD



    I loved the way you wore your mask that day hahahaha =P

    Haagen-Ryuzen was good =D Their music reminded me of Naruto though =X

    Sorry for the awk way of eating that one Takoyaki ball =X

